The Perfect Start For The Unbroke Horse - From The Ground To Under Saddle-

The Perfect Start For The Unbroke Horse - From The Ground To Under Saddle-

The best start you can give your unbroke horse under saddle is step by step exercises your horse can understand. Through the exercises in my video's you will be able to start your horse under saddle with success from the first time you put a saddle on your horse all the way to arena work and safely riding your horse out on the trails. It all comes down to simple and easy horsemanship

The Perfect Start For The Unbroke Horse - From The Ground To Under Saddle-
  • Starting The Unbroke Horse (Part 1, Ground Exercises)*

    Starting the Un-broke horse
    a. Starting the Un-broke horse under saddle is a huge time change in our and our horses lives. Making this event easy and the best experience for us and our horses is critical. In this video get a head start on preparing your horse for being started under saddle.

  • Starting the Unbroke Horse (Part 2, Ground Exercises)*

    Starting the Un-broke Horse (Part 2)
    a. Starting the unbroken horse part 2 continues on step by step on teaching your horse to become comfortable with riding him and teaching him saddle exercise from the ground.
    b. Standing still, bridling, bit work, hip control

  • Starting the Unbroke Horse (Part 3, Ground, Mounting and Dismounting Exercises)*

    48. Starting the Un-broke Horse (Part 3)
    Starting the Unbroke Horse Part 3
    a. Part 3 continues starting the unbroken horse under saddle in the best manner possible. In this video we go over the exercises.
    b. First time blanketing and saddling, cinching up, flexing, hip control, pre steps to m...

  • Starting the Unbroke Horse (Part 4, Ground, Mounting and Dismounting Exercises)*

    Starting the Un-broke Horse (Part 4)
    a. Starting the Un-broke Horse part 4 shoes the progress by going step by step with your horses while starting them under saddle.
    b. Going half way up and half way down on each side of your horse, going half way up and putting your knee on the horse butt, ...

  • Hip Control, Fist ride on the unbroke horse (Part 1)*

    When I do the first ride with the unbroke horse I always focus on the horses hip going from left to right and right to left. By controlling the hip you are controlling the horse and where most of the power comes from in the horse. Learn simple and easy exercises for your first ride.

  • Shoulder Control (Part 2, The Perfect Start For The Unbroke Horse)*

    In this video we move on to the horses shoulders. As I move the horses shoulders around I can now get the horse to start walking forward with out using my legs. This is a very important exercise while working with the unbroke horse or any horses for different exercises you may want your horse to ...

  • Introducing Your Legs To The Unbroke Horse (Saddle Exercise)*

    After you are able to mount, dismount, disengage the horses hips and shoulder control it is time to start introducing you legs. In this video we will start with what the horse already know and then introduce legs.

  • Teaching The Unbroke Horse To Walk Forward (Saddle Exercise)*

    After your horse is comfortable mounting and dismounting on both sides, flexing, disengaging the hips, shoulder control and introducing legs it is time for the next step with your unbroke horse which is to walk forward on cue. Be sure to have all your pre steps done before performing this exercis...

  • Preparing Your Unbroke Horse For The Trot (Saddle Exercise)*

    With step by step starting your unbroke horse under saddle it is time to prepare him/her for the trot. Before you begin make sure everything else is done like mounting and dismounting, flexing, disengaging the hips, all your bit exercises, flexing under saddle, disengaging the horses hips under s...

  • First Ride On The Unbroke Horse (Ground and Saddle Exercises)*

    In this video I will go over the importance of flex and disengaging your horses hips along with pre steps to mounting and dismounting then to this mares first ride.

  • The Perfect Start for the unbroke Horse (Ground and Saddle Exercises)*

    In this video I will go step by step on how to start the unbroken horse to where you and your horse will understand each step and proceed on to the next step.

  • Restarting the Older Horse (Ground and Saddles Exercise)*

    Sometimes for one reason or another horses go years with out anyone riding them. When this happens they need to be restarted on the ground and under saddle. In this video I will go over step by step on how to restart the older horse

  • Restarting The Older Horse (Ground and Saddle Exercises)*

    Restarting the Older Horse
    a. Are you interested or have a horse that has not been ridden in years or you don’t know when the last time he/she was ridden. This step by step program will teach you how to restart the older horse under saddle and find out where the horse is at in his/her training

  • Teaching The Unbroke Horse The Trot Cue (Saddle Exercise)*

    After your unbroke horse is comfortable with all the lessons leading up to this then it is time to start teaching him or her to trot on cue. Please make sure your horse is comfortable with all other steps before moving on to this exercise

  • Teaching The Unbroke Horse Change of Direction Using Shoulder Control*

    Next step with your unbroke horse is teaching your horse to go left and right using shoulder control. Shoulder Control is a great exercise in teaching the change of direction, getting your horse butter soft on the bit, pre step to coming into the bit, pre step to horses that stumble a lot, gettin...

  • Starting a 3 1/2 Year old Warmblood Under Saddle (Ground Exercises)

    This video is on starting the unbroke horse under saddle and the steps I go in. In starting the unbroke horse everything has to be broken down into steps the horse can understand and then each step leads into the next steps at least by 50%.

  • The Perfect Start For The Unbroke Horse Continues (Ground and Saddle Exercises)*

    If you break down every lessons plan in to steps the horse can understand in a clam manner then you will get the perfect start for your horse. In this video I will go step by step on how to give your horse the perfect start

  • Introducing Your Legs To The Unbroke Horse (Saddle Exercise)*

    The next step is introducing your legs to your unbroke horse. This is an easy step by step exercise to teach your horse legs in a calm and relaxed manner.

  • Teaching The Unbroke Horse Shoulder, Directional Control (Saddle Exercise)

    The perfect start for the unbroke horse continues. After you are able to mount and dismount, flex and disengage your horse hips it is time to start teaching shoulder and directional control.

  • Starting The Miniature Horse Under Saddle, Part 1 (Ground Exercises)*

    Have you ever wondered how to start a Miniature Pony Under saddle so children can ride them. Everything on the ground is the same but getting them ready for under saddle is different then you would with a Horse. In part 1 I will go over all the ground work. In a few weeks I will release part 2 un...

  • Starting The Blind Horse Under Saddle (Ground and Saddle Exercises)*

    Starting Blind Horses Under Saddle is much the same as starting a horse that is blind under saddle but you have to realize the horse can only go off sound and feel so the training changes a little bit on the ground and under saddle. In part 1 I will show you step by step how to start the blind ho...

  • Continuing The Unbroke Horse Under Saddle, (Saddle Exercise)

    In this video I will continue going over exercises for you to do with your unbroke horse, Always make sure you have done all your homework, all you pre steps and your horse is comfortable moving foward

  • Restarting The Horse After Recovering From Injury - Muscle Memory -

    When you restart a horse after recovering from an injury you also have to work with the horses muscle memory. In this video this mare was bucking and bolting because her back was in pain. So we had the chiropractor and vet out and after 3 sessions they were able to fix the mares back so she was n...

  • Starting The Unbroke Horse Under Saddle

    In this video I will go over some rounding penning, bridling, flexing, mounting and first ride with this horse. Everything is broke down into step that the horse can learn in a calm relaxed manner. The more steps you can put into your training program for your horse the better.