Solving Behavior Issues  - On the Ground and Under Saddle -

Solving Behavior Issues - On the Ground and Under Saddle -

Horses respond and change their behavior on a positive when we correct our horse through exercises that improves our partnership with our horse and improves our horse’s performance on the ground and under saddle. Using punishment changes our horse’s behavior on a negative breaking and destroying the bond and partnership we have or had with our partner. In these video’s Mike will show you how to solve several different types of behavior issues with horses using exercise that will improve your horse’s partnership and performance.

Release of Liability
Mike Hughes’s horse training techniques are not responsible for any injuries or death to horse owners, other people, or horses. Horses are very large animals and can be very dangerous. The horse training techniques used in these videos are done by a professional trainer. When performing any of these horse training techniques you are doing so at your own risk. If you feel unsafe performing any of these horse training techniques please consult a professional horse trainer.

Solving Behavior Issues  - On the Ground and Under Saddle -