Horsemanship - Learn How To Connect and Bond With Your Horse -
Learn how to connect and bond with your horse through horse training videos with exercises you can learn and do with your horse at home or the stables. Every lesson is broke down into steps you and your horse can learn in a calm relaxed manner. Building a bond and connecting with your horse is the most important part of being able to work your horse on the ground and under saddle. Learn how to communicate and listen to your horse as you go through my training excises to help you and your horse connect.
First time bit work (Ground Exercise)*
First Time Bit Work
a. First time Bit Work will teach horse to become soft and very supple on the bit along with hip control before you do the first time ride on your horse. This video is a clip from starting the unbroken horse under-saddle. -
Stallions, How they should act (Ground Exercises)*
Stallions, How they should act at home and in Public with Mike Hughes, Demo, Shadow Glen Riding Stables
a. At a big open house I brought my stallion and did a demo on how stallion should act at home and in public. No matter where you go stallions should act like a gentle gelding and you would n... -
Teaching Your Horse How to Cross Trail Obstacles (Part 1)
Creek Crossing
a. For all the people who love trailing riding their horses or have a new horse that needs to learn how to cross the creek in a safe manner. Using a safe and easy approach, you can learn to teach your horse how to approach any obstacle
b. Teaching the forward cue, keeping your hor... -
Introducing your heals to your horse (Saddle exercise)*
Introducing your heals to your horse
a. This video will teach you the safest way for both you and your horse to introduce your horse to legs by flexing your horse, disengaging your horse’s hips, and then going forward under saddle.
b. Flexing left and right, disengaging hips, introducing legs, g... -
Teaching your horse to accept lound noises (Part 1 of 2, Ground Exercise)*
I did this video on sound sensitive horses, This is part 1 of 2. In this lesson I will show you how to get your horse use to loud sounds with out spooking
Teaching your horse good ground manners (Ground Exercises)*
Ground Manners
a. Learn how to take a disrespectful horse that pushes you around, walks over the top of you and on you with these simple exercises
b. Left, right, stop, inside turns, backing, giving way as you walk into them, basic leading lessons -
Desensitizing Your Horse (Ground Exercise Part 1)*
Desensitizing Your Horse Part 1
a, Teaches you how to customize your horse to different sights, sounds, feels, taste, and smells through the horses five senses. Desensitizing your horse will teach your horse how to handle his/her fears and to stay in a calm manner. This video is a clip from the ... -
Desensitizing Your Horse (Part 2 Ground and Saddles Exercises)*
Desensitizing Your Horse (Part 2)
a. Desensitizing your horse part 2 continues exercises that you can use to teach your horse how to deal with sight, sounds, feels, and smells with more ground work that will improve your horses safety during certain situations. This video is a clip from the weavi... -
Desensitizing Your Horse (Part 3 Ground exercises)*
Desensitizing Your Horse (Part 3)
a. Desensitizing your horse part 3 continues the ground exercises and incorporates loud sounds, smoke, flares, additional things that may spook your horse while you are working or riding. This video is a clip from the weaving and stall walking video’s
b. Tarp exe... -
Desensitizing Your Horse Part 4 (Saddle Exercise)*
Desensitizing Your (Horse Page 4)
a. Desensitizing your horse part 4 starts on the ground and then moves under saddle. This video is a clip from the Weaving and Stall Walking video’s
b. Barn and buddy sour problems, Spooky objects on the ground, Performance exercises, Lead Changes, Walk, Trot, C... -
Teaching your horse how to accept water from the water hose (Ground Exercise)*
In this video I will go over step by step to teach you how to teach your horse to accept water coming out of the water hose
Teaching Your Horse to tie (Ground Exercise)*
Teaching your horse to tie
a. Teaching a horse to tie is going to be important as it is going to be an everyday thing we do when we take our horses out of there stalls, paddocks, or pastures. This video will show you the easiest way to teach a horse to tie without any problems.
b. Flexing right... -
Teaching your horse how to stop and back on a loose rein (Saddle Exercise)*
a. Have you ever wondered how some people have beautiful stops and backs on their horse’s? This exercise will show you step by step how do get the stops and backs on your horse you have always dreamed of!
b. Flexing, disengaging the horse hips, backing. -
Teaching your horse to pick up his hoofs (Ground Exercise)*
Picking up Your Horse hoofs
a. Are you tired of having to struggle picking up your horses feet to clean them or your horse leaning on you. Is it frustrating when your horse gives the vet and farrier problems by not picking up their feet or tearing there foot out of their hands. These exercises w... -
Shoulder Control under saddle (Part 2 Saddle Exercises)*
Shoulder control part under saddle part 2
a. In teaching the unbroken horse to go forward the easiest way is shoulder control like we started teaching in part 1 from the ground. There are horse that are broke but refuse to go forward off our legs cues, These exercise will get you both going forw... -
Side passing and shoulder control (Part 1 Ground Exercise)*
Side Passing from the Ground, Shoulder control Part 1
a. Shoulder control from the ground means shoulder control from under saddle. In this video you will see and learn how to teach your horse shoulder control as in going forward and starting to move your horses shoulder to the side. This mare... -
Teach your horse how to side pass under saddle (Part 2 Saddle exercise)*
Side Passing Under Saddle (Part 2, Saddle Exercise)
a. After completing side passing on the ground in part 1, you then want to go to this exercise to begin teaching your horse how to side pass under saddle.
b. Walking forward, Flexing, Shoulder Control, -
Teaching Haunches In (Part 1 Ground Exercise)*
Haunches-in (Ground Exercise)
a. Teaching the haunches-in from the ground is simple, and is a great pre-step in teaching your horse how to come into a bend, pick up leads, lead changes and pre-steps to flying lead changes. Teaching the haunches-in from the ground makes it so much easier to teach ... -
Stopping and Backing (Part 1 Ground Exercise)*
Stopping and Backing (Part 1 Ground Exercise)
a. This is one of these easiest exercises to teaching your horse how to stop on his hind quarters and back at that same time. So now when we go to get on our horses 75% of our work is done when it comes to teaching our horse to stop on their hind qua... -
Shoulder Control (Part 1, Ground Exercise)*
Shoulder Control (Part 1, Ground Exercise)
a. This exercise is a great exercise to teach your horse from the ground how to go to the left and right as you control the shoulders of the horse. This exercise will lead to shoulder control under saddle.
b. Forward cue, Going left, Going Right -
Teaching The Forward Cue (Ground Exercise)*
The Forward Cue
a. The forward cue is an outstanding cue to teach any horse of any age and size. You can use this cue to pre steps to certain maneuvers, getting a horse to go into a stall he does not want to go into, through a gate he does not want to go through, a wash rack he does not want to g... -
Teaching Your Horse How To Ground Tie (Ground Exercise)*
Ground Tying
a. Ground tying is when you can place you horse in a spot and He does not move off that spot with out being tied. However the horse can look around, rest a hind leg, shift weight, etc. In this video I will teach you how to train your horse how to ground tie with step by step easy to ... -
Teaching your horse to mount from the mounting block (Ground Exercise)*
In this video I will show you the best way to mount your horse using a mounting block. This is a great exercise for horses to learn and if your out on the trail you will be able to mount for a rock, log, etc. making it easy to get on your horse
Trail Safety (Part 1, Ground Exercise)*
In this video of trail safety we start teaching you how to use your horse as a weapon in self defense by using the horses hips, You will start by doing the ground exercises and then we continue on these video's we will move it to under saddle